
Rheaume’s Rabbitry is run and owned by a myself and my daughter & son in Stafford, Virginia. We started this endeavor as pet owners and as my daughter grew to love her rabbits and want to show we expanded the rabbitry to be able to do selective breeding.  The first time we saw a Holland lop with blue eyes our hearts melted. From there it has been a growing and learning experience of shows and breeders that have lead us to establish this endeavor.

Please look under “for sale” for information on what we have available.  I do not sell or reserve bunnies under 8 weeks of age.  In addition, I keep and grow out many until 16 weeks of age for adding to show stock.  Small baby rabbits (kits) shown on our FB are not for sale or available until we determine what we are growing out.  Any sold at 8 weeks-16 weeks are sold as pet only without pedigree.  I will not sell with a pedigree until they are old enough to evaluate to ARBA standard.

If you want to see some cool growth pictures, the following page is great for seeing how we watch and evaluate our herd.  Grow Outs – Watch them Grow